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Earthworks: 6 - 11 June 2021
Exhibition - The Mall Galleries, London

This second collaboration between the painter Lydia Bauman and myself is part tribute to the dynamic forms and textures of the Earth's surface, part reflection on where we are in the long history of humanity's relationship with its landscapes. In a time when we are increasingly experiencing and anticipating rapid changes to our environment, does the role of the landscape artist change too? How can these environmental changes be represented, especially if they are not visible to uninitiated eye? What do/should we expect a changing climate to look like, and how possible even is it to capture through the inherently static medium of photography? Through including these images and their accompanying materials, I've tried to engage with these questions, which will only become more and more pertinent as we get used to a world in flux. 

In response to the pandemic and all the restrictions that come with it, we've adapted the exhibition to make the most of digital platforms and bring the work to a wider audience. Please explore the various interactive materials we've developed below, including a virtual exhibition space and contextualising videos that go into more detail on the work itself.

Otherwise, if you would like to see the show in person, you can find the booking site here.

Exhibition Introduction

Virtual Exhibition

Blogs and Publicity


Exhibited Works

All works are for sale - limited edition and signed

Click on images for details and contact

© Copyright Karl Dudman
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